FECIF - The European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries

Legal Notice


Fédération Européenne des Conseils et Intermédiaires Financiers A.i.s.b.l

(AISBL = Association internationale sans but lucratif)

Registration number (No. d’Entreprise Belgique)
0473 662 579

Date and country of registration
30 June 1999 , Brussels (Belgium)

Registered address:

Avenue Louise 143/4
B-1050 Brussels

Contact details:

E-mail: admin@fecif.eu


Vania Franceschelli

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Intellectual property laws protect this site http://www.fecif.eu  and/or http://www.fecif.org . Copyright in the material available at this site is owned by the Fédération Européenne des Conseils et Intermédiaires Financiers (FECIF) and may only be used in the ways described in this legal notice. Copyrighted material includes both static and generated patterns of text, hypertext and graphics, except where indicated as belonging to another party (see copyright references).

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More information?

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Fédération Européenne des Conseils et Intermédiaires Financiers (FECIF)
Avenue Louise 143/4
B-1050 Brussels

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