FECIF - The European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries

See photos from the FECIF conference 2019




FECIF Editorial - May 2024

Martin Klein

Let’s work on standards instead of regulation

The European financial services industry rightly complains about the ever-increasing pace of regulation. The EU Commission reinforces the impression that regulation is being pursued as an end in itself for the continued employment of civil servants and not for the benefit of consumers and companies.

The regulatory appetite of the Commission with its 33,000 civil servants is particularly evident in the rampant practice of supplementing existing directives, such as MiFID II or the IDD, with a large number of black box authorisations that empower the EU Commission to issue Level 2 regulations to an indeterminate extent.

Against this backdrop, the initiative to develop European standards for financial services is met with understandable mistrust. "We already have so many rules, why should we add more on top now?" This is how many people react when I tell them about the establishment of the new Technical Committee 475 Finance at the European Committee for Standardisation CEN.

Yes, we already have many rules, but these are often the wrong ones, which achieve the opposite of what was intended. For example, excessive information requirements have led to sales prospectuses for financial services products being hundreds of pages long, but the retail investor is unable to recognise the essentials. Advisors are supposed to determine the investor's sustainability preference and...



The European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries (FECIF) was chartered in June 1999 for the defence and promotion of the role of financial advisers and intermediaries in Europe.

FECIF, the only body representing European financial advisers and intermediaries, it is based in Brussels, the heart of Europe.



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FECIF Board Meeting 2018

Board Meeting July 2018 - Brussels, Belgium










Fédération Européenne des Conseils et Intermédiaires Financiers (FECIF)
Avenue Louise 143/4
B-1050 Brussels

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