FECIF - The European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries

See photos from the FECIF conference 2019




FECIF Editorial - May 2024

Simon Colboc


This year FECIF will be celebrating its 25th anniversary.
The association has moved on a lot since it was created by a group of successful entrepreneurs who had started to shape financial advice across Europe.
Our environment has changed, with of course a lot of growth in household savings across Europe and more need for advice, as Europeans grow both richer and older, but also with more and more complex regulation.
FECIF Members have evolved as well, and we are now a group of associations rather than distribution networks. This has helped us become larger and more representative, but also more exposed to regulation.

FECIF intends to focus squarely on advocacy: this means carrying the voice of financial advisors to the European regulators, policymakers and the Commission, and bringing to national associations a high-level view of what is being prepared in Brussels that is likely to impact our activities. Furthermore, both associations of European countries that are part of the EU and non-EU members are addressing many common issues, which is why the evolution of legislation within the European Union is of great interest to everyone.

The best example in this is the discussion on Retail Investment Strategy over...



The European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries (FECIF) was chartered in June 1999 for the defence and promotion of the role of financial advisers and intermediaries in Europe.

FECIF, the only body representing European financial advisers and intermediaries, it is based in Brussels, the heart of Europe.



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FECIF Board Meeting 2018

Board Meeting July 2018 - Brussels, Belgium










Fédération Européenne des Conseils et Intermédiaires Financiers (FECIF)
Avenue Louise 143/4
B-1050 Brussels

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