FECIF - The European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries






FECIF Conference - Brussels 2025

03.12.2024 - Brussels, Belgium
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FECIF Board Meeting - Rome 2022

06.04.2022 - Rome, Italy
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FECIF Annual General Meeting - 2020

08.05.2020 - Online
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FECIF Board Meeting - Brussels 2019

06.11.2019 - Brussels, Belgium
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FECIF Conference - Brussels 2019

06.11.2019 - Brussels, Belgium
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FECIF Board Meeting - Paris 2017

22.06.2017 - Paris, France
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FECIF AGM - 2016

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FECIF Board Meeting - Rome 2016

02.02.2016 - Rome, Italy
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Consulentia 2016

03.02.2016 - Rome, Italy
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EFPA Conference - Prague 2015

29.09.2015 - Prague, Czech Republic
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FINMA Event - Geneva 2015

15.01.2015 - Geneva, Switzerland
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UNOG Meeting - Geneva 2015

14.01.2015 - Geneva, Switzerland
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FECIF Board Meeting - Monaco 2014

23.04.2014 - Monaco, Principality of Monaco
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FECIF Board Meeting - Vienna 2013

09.12.2013 - Vienna, Austria
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FECIF Board Meeting & IFA Services HSBC - Paris 2012

10-11.09.2012 - Paris, France
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FECIF Board Meeting - Monaco 2012

25.04.2012 - Monaco, Monaco
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FECIF Board Directors - Vienna 2012

13.01.2012 - Viena, Austria
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FECIF Board Meeting - Milano 2011

14.10.2011 - Milano, Italy
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21.09.2011 - Brussels, Belgium
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FECIF Annual General Meeting

29.06.2011 - Prague, Czech Republic
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IFA Workshop

29.06.2011 - Prague, Czech Republic
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Meetings with DG Market

23.05.2011 - Brussels, Belgium
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MiFID Meeting with Ugo Bassi and Salavtore Gnoni from DG Internal Market

11.05.2011 - Brussels, Belgium - >>View the photo gallery<<





IMD2 EC Open Hearing

10.12.2010 - Brussels, Belgium
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FECIF Board Meeting 2010

16.11.2010 - Vienna, Austria
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Joint Seminar

28.09.2010 - Cannes, France
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Meeting with the DG Internal Market and Services

17.08.2010 - Brussel, Belgium
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11th Annual General Meeting

28.04.2010 - Madrid, Spain
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Mondorf Seminar

14.05.2009 - Mondorf les Bains, Luxembourg
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AFIZ Seminar

28.04.2010 - Prague, Czech Republic
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Nice Seminar

15.06.2009 - Nice, France
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Fédération Européenne des Conseils et Intermédiaires Financiers (FECIF)
Avenue Louise 143/4
B-1050 Brussels

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