

The Fund Distribution Breakfasts


Sustainable investment: towards a more ethical model


Live streaming at fundglobam.com from 8:50 to 11:00




Conference will be moderated by David JACQUOT, journalist.

08:50 Opening by Yves TAMBOUR, Managing director – FUNDGLOBAM

08:55 Introduction by Marie-Pierre PEILLON, Chairman of the Sustainable Finance Commission of AFG and Director of Research and ESG Strategy of Groupama AM

09:00 Roundtable 1 / Decrypting the latest developments:
The regulation of  “sustainable” funds is evolving: where are we today? Labels: towards a necessary harmonization, perception of large players in institutional markets, collective Awareness in retail markets, …


- Laure DELAHOUSSE, Directrice Générale Adjointe – AFG
- Olivier ROUSSEAU, Member of the executive board – FRR, FONDS DE RESERVE DES RETRAITES
- Philippe SOURLAS, Secrétaire général adjoint en charge de la Direction de la gestion d’actifs – AMF

09:30 Roundtable 2 / Sustainable funds: new growth levers?
How do sustainable funds behave in terms of performance and fundraising? Did we see different behaviour compared to other funds during the crisis? Given the significant increase in the number of sustainable funds in recent times, how is the competitive environment evolving, both vis-à-vis conventional funds and vis-à-vis other “competing” sustainable funds?


- Hortense BIOY, Director, Sustainable Research – MORNINGSTAR
- Karim CARMOUN, President – External Distribution Director – ROBECO FRANCE

09:55 Roundtable 3 / Investors’ behaviour towards sustainable funds:
What is, and how is, the appetite for sustainable funds evolving? How is this trend evolving in the different markets? An overview of European markets.


- Philippe DUTERTRE, Direction des investissements & du financement – AG2R LAMONDIALE
- Jean-François BAY, Managing Director – QUANTALYS
- Laurent JACQUIER-LAFORGE, Global Head of Sustainable Investing – GROUPE LA FRANCAISE

10:25 Roundtable 4 / Distribution and sustainable investment:
What trends can be seen across distribution channels? What is the appetite of distributors for sustainable funds? New technologies: what is the real impact of sustainability?


- Christophe LEPITRE, CEO – IZNES
- Simon COLBOC, Secretary-General of the FECIF European Pensions Institute (FEPI)
- Robert-Erich POLSTERER, CEO and co-founder, AlphaPelago Investment Partners

10:50 :  Conclusion

A simultaneous translation service will be available.


E-Mail: event@fundglobam.com
Web : www.anacofi.asso.fr