FECIF - The European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries

FECIF European Pensions Institute

About FEPI and objectives

FECIF has established the FEPI to support the development of pension solutions and most
specifically those that address the pension gap in Europe and promote the development of
personal pension offerings
that are consumer-oriented. In addition, it will look to ensure that
personal pension solutions allow financial advisers to fulfil their role in support of savers and
investors, wherever relevant.

Activities of the FEPI

The FEPI supports FECIF on pension matters and more specifically helps ensure that both the regulatory framework and the product offerings that develop around pensions are well aligned with the needs of consumers, enabling advisors and intermediaries to fulfil their role in support of savers and investors.

The Institute offers product providers many valuable services, enabling them to develop better products, more easily identify target markets and relevant distribution models, and create detailed marketing approaches. The FEPI interacts with providers as they develop their own personal pension offerings, including those that are intended to satisfy the proposed Pan-European Personal Pension (PEPP) Regulation. With its high level of pension expertise and knowledge of local and national pension systems, the FEPI is able to work with providers in their development of pension solutions that are focused on the long-term benefit of consumers and incorporate the insights of advisors and intermediaries.

Why join the FEPI?


Members of the FEPI can access all of the research and documentation gathered by the Institute, and are informed ahead of any publication.



Consulting services
FEPI can assist its members with consulting and other services; for example: market analysis, product assessment, member surveys, etc. Such services can be provided from within the Institute or arranged by the FEPI to be provided by a selected consultancy or a FECIF Member.


FEPI publications aim mostly at participating in the public debate on Pensions in Europe, and to generate awareness (as well as promoting the Institute); these are distributed free of charge to participants.


Informal, bespoke events can be organised for local members, to share information and views. It is envisaged that in the future, it would be possible for the Institute to set up cross-border events with the support of corporate sponsors.

Who should consider joining the FEPI?

Any organisation that is looking for a better understanding of independent distribution and cross border pensions business in Europe would benefit significantly from FEPI membership.

This includes Financial Advisers, Asset Managers, Insurance Companies, Pension Providers as well as those providing services to the pensions industry, such as Software/IT Businesses, Research Companies, Lawyers, Accountants, Consulting Actuaries and Marketing Firms.

FEPI Board & Technical Committee

The FEPI is chaired by a Board Member of FECIF and its Board is designated by the FECIF Board. Day-to-day running of the FEPI is undertaken by a Secretary General, who is a member of FECIF.

The FEPI also has a Technical Committee, which is chaired by the FEPI Chairperson. The Secretary General of the FEPI is the Deputy Chairperson of this Committee. Other Members of the Technical Committee are designated by the FEPI Board. This Committee reviews:

  • The evolution of pension regulations across Europe
  • Demographic and economic trends impacting pensions
  • The offerings developed and rolled out by providers, upon request
  • Pension issues raised by consumers and advisers across Europe

When relevant, the FEPI publishes the results of its research and analysis.

The Technical Committee of the FEPI brings together representatives from the pensions world, the distribution and advice sector, consumer associations, product providers (for example, insurers and investment managers) and academic experts.

The Technical Committee meets twice a year in person, plus further meetings are held by conference call and online review of documents.





Fédération Européenne des Conseils et Intermédiaires Financiers (FECIF)
Avenue Louise 143/4
B-1050 Brussels

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